Lala_land_20131's Statistics
Registered8 years ago
Last Connection5 years ago
Experience31491 XP
Achievements429 puntos

Hai y'all! It's Lala!(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
I like anime a lot, drawing, video games, DJ-ing, animating on my phone, Hershey bars, cats, and this site. I also love dem kisses...(˶◕‿◕˶✿)*Winks*
I loaf Steven Universe, Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil, Gravity Falls, and Minecraft.
Role play ish lyfe! I loaf music! Especially singing and playing guitar! 
My favorite YouTubers are: JaidenAnimations, TheOddOnesOut, SomethingElseYT, Tabbes.
Meh favorite show is Your Lie In April! Anime, by deh way! 。◕‿◕。 
Meh favorite song ish Fear by X Ambassadors! Go ahead and send a friend request, if you want! We can be fwands!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Skinseed account: BishImFabu

Sorry I ain't on much! ;~; I try to be! Love y'all!~♥
-Lala(・∀・ )

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