Chiakikat's Statistics
Registered11 years ago
Last Connection
Experience467 XP
Achievements0 puntos

Hello fellow gamers! You may call me Chiaki for short. I don't like to give out too much personal information about myself, so I'll just list a few things I like and that's it. I prefer not to post my age or where I am from...Afterall, the last thing I want is someone to come stalk me... So I'll keep it simple.Like:-Games(obviously or I wouldn't have even joined this site. I'm a bit old school. I still have a Gamecube which I play very often, along with a PS2.)-Anime(I am a huge anime fan!)-Art(I love to draw and sculpt. I draw quite a bit, however I really enjoy working with 3-D art)-Food (I love to eat. I'm a sucker for sweets ;P)-Being outdoors(hiking, biking, snowboarding, and white water rafting. I am not very athletic, but I enjoy doing these things none the less. I like to stay active :P)-AnimalsAnd that's it for now^^! Toodles :)

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